
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Self isolation, day 1

Self isolation, day 1

Yesterday I packed up my desk at work and drove myself home, knowing that it would probably be the last time I drove anywhere for a while. I’m not sick, but the pressure is on to self isolate for the good of society.
I hadn’t been too worried about it, because I’m a bit of a homebody and would generally prefer to spend my weekends crocheting on the couch with a good show, or curled up on an armchair with an epic fantasy, or creating sweet deliciousness in the kitchen.
So naturally, I should be fine in self isolation.
In theory.

In practice, it turns out that I actually go out a lot on weekends. I would normally pop out to a local bakery cafe for brunch, or stop past the shops to grab a specific ingredient, or hang out with my mum, or (and I don’t know why I hadn’t previously considered this fortnightly activity as “going out”) playing D&D at a friend’s house.

Today, I had to remind myself that I really shouldn’t pick up some glutinous rice flour to make mochi, nor should I try my luck at Costco for some toilet paper to distribute amongst my friends. I shouldn’t go check if the nursery is open and has seeds for an edible winter garden.

Instead, I spent the day watching shows with my cat.


We did end up getting dinner delivered though. Thank goodness for contactless delivery!

I made a mask pattern

I made a mask pattern

French travel wardrobe part 2: foxes and stags