
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Hooker with a heart of gold (it's PG, I promise!)

Hooker with a heart of gold (it's PG, I promise!)

Oh my gosh, it's the last day of April and I feel like I haven't sewn in months, when really, it's only been three weeks.

Instead, I've been crocheting. Mostly a chevron blanket (!!!) but I've also recently started a pouch for WIRES, to keep rescued joeys warm over winter.

WIRES is the Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service, and they're collecting woollen knitted pouches for the rescued joeys. For those outside of Australia, joeys are baby marsupials, more or less. Think baby kangaroos, wallabies, etc. Adorable and very vulnerable.

So anyway, one of the ladies at my work found out they were looking for people to knit pouches, and she and some of the other ladies don't know how to knit, but recently learnt how to crochet... So here we all are, three days later, crocheting up tiny pouches to keep these tiny baby animals warm. Isn't that just lovely?

I'll get back into the sewing groove this weekend though. Not only do I have a new dress cut out and ready to sew, another coworker kindly donated some old flannel sheets to use for pouch liners, and since I'm the only one of us who sews, I get to whip them up. They're just little rectangles, though, so they won't take long, and then I can get back to my regular crafty activities.

Do you do any charity crafting? I'd love to know what's out there and what people can do to help their local communities while indulging their artistic pursuits - and I'm sure I'm not the only one!


Chevron blanket FTW

Project Frocktober

Project Frocktober